The Bookcharmer loves associations and organizations. Lately, I've been in flux about my memberships, however. I admit my library memberships have lapsed in the mire of moving. I am undecided about rejoining ALA and ACRL as those organizations are just so big. And then there are CLA and CARL on the state level. I do need to join ARLIS and VRA. And then there are the purely out of interest organization, APHA and so forth.
Now I've just found a new one I'd like to join, Women's National Book Association. The San Francisco Chapter looks particularly active.
And there are all the local book arts groups and activities the San Francisco Center for the Book, Bay Area Book Artists, and of course, the much idealized Book Club of California.
Note to self: Time to get the Clara Laughlin Society off the ground and in existence outside of my imagination. After all, 2025 is not that far away and the 100th anniversary of So You're Going to Paris isn't going to celebrate itself. (2nd note, contact original publisher of SYG2P to see if they'd like to participate!)
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